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Mole check

Writer: Ali A NejatAli A Nejat

Updated: Aug 9, 2022

The earlier a skin cancer is found and treated, the higher your chance is of avoiding surgery or, in the case of a major melanoma or other skin cancer, potential deformity or even death.

Talking to your doctor about your level of risk and getting advice on early detection is also a good idea.

Learn about your skin and what is typical for you so that you can spot any changes. Skin cancer is typically seen rather than felt, and it rarely hurts.

Make it a habit to regularly inspect your skin for fresh lesions and alterations to moles or freckles that are already there.

Thick melanomas frequently do not follow the "ABCD" formula but are instead Elevated, Firm, and Growing. Melanomas are typically recognized as benign lesions by their history of change. Because of this, it's crucial to carefully take a patient's medical history, and any lesion that persists or changes in size, shape, color, or elevation for longer than a month should be evaluated and biopsied. (Clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of melanoma)

Make sure to inspect every part of your body because skin cancer can occasionally develop on areas of the body that are not exposed to the sun, like the soles of the feet, the spaces in between the toes, and the area under the nails.

Make sure you have excellent lighting and remove all of your clothing.

For difficult-to-see areas like your back and scalp, use a mirror, or ask a relative, partner, or acquaintance to check for you.

Cancerous Mole signs/symptoms:

When examining the changes on your skin for any indications of cancer, keep an eye out for these things:

New moles

Moles that become larger.

a mole's outlined shape with notches.

a patch that varies in colour, going from brown to black.

a region that erupts into a lump or becomes elevated.

the mole's surface developing rough, scaly, or ulcerated skin.

itch or tingle-producing moles.

bleeders or weepers in moles.

areas that stand out from the rest.

Who is more susceptible to skin cancer?

The high levels of UV radiation we get in Australia put all Australians at risk of developing skin cancer. However, some Australians are more at risk than others, including those who:

had multiple moles on their body, worked or are presently working outdoors, had a history of skin cancer, including melanoma, a family history of skin cancer, red or pale hair, especially for individuals with sensitive skin, and light-colored eyes (blue or green).

possessed certain skin problems, such as sunspots, an impaired immune system, or had experienced a brief, strong UV radiation exposure.

Skin check frequency:

There isn't a defined schedule for how frequently you should have your skin examined right now. According to the Cancer Council, you should periodically check your skin and see a doctor if you see any changes or new worrisome spots. If necessary, a doctor can direct you to a specialist.

People who are more likely to get skin cancer should talk to their doctor about a schedule for how frequently they should check their skin. Every six months, a thorough skin examination that is backed by photos and dermoscopy may be required.

To have your skin checked please call (03) 9482 3881 or book here.



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Opening Hours

Shop GZ 07, 3 Separation ST, 

Northcote Plaza Shopping cente, Northcote, VIC, 3070

Tel:(03) 9482 3881

Mon: 9am - 8pm

Tue:  9am - 6pm

Wed: 9am- 8pm

Thu:  9am - 5pm

Fri:    9am - 6pm 

Sat:   9am - 2pm 

Sun:  12pm-5pm


Skin lesion check:   $95.75 (out-of-pocket fee $54.35)

Skin check ( full body):  $225 (out-of-pocket fee $144.90)

Need to book 20 to 30 min minimum

Skin shave/punch biopsy: From $200 (out-of-pocket fee from $151)

Skin lesion excision: from $300, out of pocket depending on size, complexity, and location. 

© 2022 Skin Cancer Northcote. PROUDLY CREATED WITH WIX.COM

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